RB-12-2021 Non-Renewable Credit Agreement with CaixaBank, S.A. Oddział w Polsce (Branch in Poland)

Management Board of Comarch S.A. informs that on the 5th of August, 2021, Comarch S.A. signed a non-renewable credit agreement with CaixaBank, S.A. Branch in Poland with its office in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank") for general corporate purposes. The credit amount is EUR 14,500,000.00, i.e. PLN 66,054,750 at the EUR exchange rate on the date of the contract signing. The credit period lasts until the 5th of August, 2026, and the interest rate is based on a variable rate. The credit should be used by the 5th of August, 2022. The credit is secured with: a) power of attorney granted to the Bank by Comarch S.A. to administer funds on settlement accounts maintained by the Bank; b) Comarch S.A. statement on submission to enforcement up to 150% of the credit amount.