Technology Partners & Industry Association

Technology Partners & Industry Association

Technology Partners & Industry Association
Comarch is a member of important IT organisations such as ETIS and the TM Forum, based on which it has continuous access to the latest standards emerging in these fields (e.g. guidelines concerning TAP/RAP). The use of the latest technologies at Comarch is understood not only as technical measures for carrying out projects, but also as applying the available standards to the maximum.
The TeleManagement Forum (TMF) is a non-profit organisation established in 1988 to accelerate the development of telecommunications-networks management systems. The Founding Members were such companies as AT&T, BT, Northern Telecom, and Hewlett-Packard. In 1989 TMF approved the first OSI/NM protocol, and in 1990 the Association consisted of as many as 85 members from 13 countries.
At present, TMF has over 670 affiliates, and conducts one of the most-important conferences in the telecommunication market (The OSS/BSS Conference & Exposition), and its standards are accepted by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a specialised UN agency. The members of the organisation represent companies in the telecommunications, media, and IT-services sectors, from over 71 countries.

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Industry Associations