RB-31-2006 Registration of an Increase in ComArch S.A.\'s Equity Capital

Pursuant to Art 5, Act 1, Pt 9 of the Regulation issued by the Minister of Finance on 19 October 2005 concerning current and periodical information pertaining to companies traded on the stock exchange, ComArch S.A. informs:

The Management Board of ComArch S.A. received notice on 22 May 2006 concerning registration on 16 May 2006 by the District Court for Krakow-Sródmiescie, XI Economic Division of the National Court Register of increase in ComArch S.A.'s equity capital to the amount of 7,518,770 PLN.

Following the increase, the company's equity capital is divided into 7,518,770 shares with 14,587,570 votes a the company's AGM. ComArch S.A.'s equity capital consists of:

  1. 883,600 series A inscribed preference shares,
  2. 56,400 series A ordinary bearer shares,
  3. 883,600 series B inscribed preference shares,
  4. 56,400 series B ordinary bearer shares,
  5. 3,008,000 series C ordinary bearer shares,
  6. 1,200,000 series D ordinary bearer shares,
  7. 638,600 series E ordinary bearer shares,
  8. 125,787 series G ordinary bearer shares,
  9. 102,708 series G3 ordinary bearer shares, and
  10. 563,675 series H ordinary bearer shares

Pursuant to Art. 70 Pt 1 of the Act dated 29 July 2005 concerning public tenders, the terms of introducing and trading financial instruments on the stock exchange as well as public companies, the Management Board of ComArch S.A. hereby informs:
In consequence to increase in equity capital, Mr. and Mrs. Janusz and Elzbieta Filipiak currently possess 3,239,393 ComArch S.A. shares, which account for 43,08% of the equity capital with 10,195,393 votes at the company AGM accounting for 69.89 % of all votes. Prior to the increase in equity capital, Mr. and Mrs. Filipiak possessed 3,239,393 ComArch S.A. shares, which accounted for 46.58% of the equity capital with 10,195,393 votes at the company AGM totaling 72.7% of all votes.