RB-3-2006 Sale of Company\'s Shares

In accordance with Art. 160, Act 4 of the Act dated 29 July 2005 concerning trade of financial instruments (Law Gazette Nr. 183, pos. 1485), the company hereby conveys information received on 27.01.2006 regarding the sale of ComArch S.A. shares:

In accordance with Art.160, Act 1, Pt 1 of the Act dated 29 July 2005 concerning trade of financial instruments (Law Gazette Nr. 183, pos. 1485), a member of ComArch S.A.'s Supervisory Board informed of the sale of 25,000 company ordinary bearer shares on 20.01.2006, 24.01.2006 and 25.01.2006 at between 66 PLN to 67.10 PLN per share. The transaction took place on the market regulated through the Warsaw Stock Exchange.