RB-20-2006 Suspension and Exclusion from Stock Exchange Trade of 293 Series A Bonds

Pursuant to Art 34, Act 1, Pt 2 of the Regulation issued by the Minister of Finance on 19 October 2005 concerning current and periodical information pertaining to companies traded on the stock exchange, ComArch S.A. informs that received Resolution Nr 88/2006 dated 03.04.2006 of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange concerning the suspension and exclusion from stock exchange trade of 293 ComArch S.A. series A bonds.

These bonds are suspended as of 04.04.2006 on the basis of Act 1, Pt 1 of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Regulations. On the basis of Art 110, Act 1 of the Stock Exchange Regulations and Art 5, Chapter VI of the Detailed Exchange Trading Rules, the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange decided that:

  1. broker orders for ComArch S.A. series A shares will not be accepted as of 04 April 2006
  2. any broker orders for ComArch S.A. series A shares that have not been executed by 03 April 2006 (inclusive) will lose their validity

On the basis of Art. 31, Act 2, Pt 3 of the Exchange Regulations, the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange decided to exclude from trade ComArch SA series A bonds as of the close of 06 April 2006. This decision was predicated on ComArch S.A.'s request lodged on 31 March 2006 to suspend and exclude from stock exchange trade series A bonds due to the imminent anticipated redemption of the company's series A bonds.