RB-17-2006 Loan Agreement with Kredyt Bank S.A.

In accordance with Art 5, Act 1, Pt 3 of the order issued by the Minister of Finance on 19 October 2005 concerning current and periodical information pertaining to companies traded on the stock exchange, ComArch S.A. informs that the Company signed an investment loan agreement on 28.03.2006 with Kredyt Bank S.A. with headquarters in Warsaw for the financing of the second construction stage of office buildings in the Special Economic Zone in Krakow.

The loan amounts to 80% of the investment value, 26,823,970.00 PLN at maximum. The loan has been approved for the period of 16 years at a variable interest rate and should be taken out by 31.03.2007. The company's mortgage on the plots of land together with the building insurance transfer act as loan collateral. The value of ComArch's share capital constitutes the agreement's criterion. Information about the commencement of investment works as well as the signature of agreement with the general contractor was given in Investor Report Nr 41/2005.