EBI-1-2016 A statement on the Comarch's compliance with the corporate governance recommendations and principles contained in Best Practice for GPW Listed Companies 2016

Pursuant to par. 29 point 3 of the Rules of the Warsaw Stock Exchange SA, Comarch SA submits a report on not applying rules contained in the "Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies 2016".


Disclosure Policy, Investor Communications

I.Z.1.10. financial projections, if the company has decided to publish them, published at least in the last 5 years, including information about the degree of their implementation;

The principle not applicable.

Comments of the Company: Comarch SA does not publish any financial forecasts.



VI.Z.4. In this activity report, the company should report on the remuneration policy including at least the following:

1) general information about the company’s remuneration system;

2) information about the conditions and amounts of remuneration of each management board member broken down by fixed and variable remuneration components, including the key parameters of setting the variable remuneration components and the terms of payment of severance allowances and other amounts due on termination of employment, contract or other similar legal relationship, separately for the company and each member of its group;

3) information about non-financial remuneration components due to each management board member and key manager;

4) significant amendments of the remuneration policy in the last financial year or information about their absence;

5) assessment of the implementation of the remuneration policy in terms of achievement of its goals, in particular long-term shareholder value creation and the company’s stability.

The principle is not applied.

Comments of the Company: In terms of disclosures of remuneration the Company applies generally applicable laws. The Company complies with the principle VI.Z.4 partially. Comarch SA has a remuneration policy which defines the form, structure and level of remuneration of the Company's employees, including members of Management and Supervisory Boards. The remuneration of the members of the Management Board is determined by the Supervisory Board on the basis of qualifications, experience and responsibilities of a Board member. Remunerations of the Management Board members include variable components, the amount of which depends on the financial performance and the degree of implementation of goals designated by the Supervisory Board. The remuneration of the Management Board members is paid by the Company and the subsidiaries, depending on the degree of involvement in the operations of individual subsidiaries. Remuneration of the Supervisory Board members is determined by General Meeting of Shareholders and it does not contain variable components. The Company presents in annual reports the amount of total remuneration of Management Board members (without division into fixed and variable components) and the Supervisory Board members, in division for paid by the Company and jointly by the other Group entities.


A statement on the company's compliance with the corporate governance recommendations and principles contained in Best Practice for GPW Listed Companies 2016