RB-18-2012 Changes to Framework Agreement with E-Plus

In relation to reports no. 27/2010 dated the 11th of August, 2010 and no. 29/2010 dated the 1st of September, 2010, the Management Board of Comarch S.A. announces that received singed amendments to the Next Generation Network Planning Service Agreement signed between Comarch AG, a subsidiary of Comarch S.A., and E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG (“E-Plus”). The current value of this agreement, after signing of the above-mentioned amendments, amounts to approximately EUR 54,580,752, i.e. PLN 227,896,471.9 compared to its initial value of EUR 42,025,286, i.e. PLN 175,472,379.16. The above-mentioned increase in the agreement’s value is related to extension of the agreement’s scope by implementation by Comarch AG of a new solution, Next Generation Performance Management, which will be delivered in the SaaS (Software as a Service) model.
At the same time, the amount of the guarantee, granted by Comarch S.A. for the benefit of E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH&Co. KG and provided for the duration of the contract with E-Plus, is changed. The current value of this guarantee equals the value of the contract with E-Plus, i.e. approximately EUR 54,580,752, i.e. PLN 227,896,471.9.