Comarch will be one of the sponsors of the first Spanish language conference organized by Airline Information.

In its decision to sponsor the Spanish speaking event, Comarch took into consideration that many airlines from Latin America have been the most profitable during the current economic crisis. That is good news, but to maintain the long-term profitability Latin American airlines must find new channels of generating revenue. The new channels of non-ticket sale generation will be the main subject of the conference. Other topics covered at the event will include a-la carte fees, cost saving strategies and issues specific to the Latin America region.

During the conference, Comarch will present its Comarch Airline Suite (CAS) - a set of 5 complementary products, focused on marketing and passengers care:

CLM FFP is a new generation FFP system. It is a highly advanced solution both in terms of IT technology and functionality. The multi-dimensional flexibility of the solution is what gives you a stronger influence on customer retention and revenue creation.

Comarch Concierge Agent (CCA) is a tool that enables a personal channel of communication between an agent and the traveler. This application helps differentiate the travel experience for the most frequent and valuable flyers.

Comarch Travel Assistant (CTA) is designed to aid travelers with controlling their journeys. It is a modern, modular and easy to use application that can virtually guide passengers. Personalized and up to date travel information is delivered directly to passengers’ mobile devices. Users are able to access their flight information, take advantage of special offers, be reminded about important events as well as be provided with entertainment services.

Comarch Smart Analytics (CSA) is an innovative solution based on data warehouse technology. Its main goal is to provide organized and clear information that supports decision-making processes in the entire company. It is a very powerful tool connected with a loyalty system – it gives possibilities for identifying customer behavior and trends.