Banking software precisely tailored to your bank's needs

Comarch Banking Software Clients

One vendor – full suite of products for different customer needs

The banking landscape is changing fast: new client attitudes, distribution models, or regulations require a more targeted approach towards growth strategies. That's where reliable banking software comes to the rescue.

Comarch has provided banks with IT software and services for more than 20 years. Our primary advantage lies in the extensive domain knowledge. A growing number of implementations, know-how of our engineers and long-term relations with the leading banks help us improve the results of what we do all the time, everytime. Innovation is one of our top priorities.
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Our solutions

Comarch Financial Services for Banking

Digital banking software

Tired of inflexible systems? Open your bank for more. Reach beyond problematic architecture & constant error fixing and respond to the needs of your most demanding clients easier than ever. With Comarch Open Platform you can now build your own unique banking environment using our Framework – a set of proven tools for creating front to back solutions including built-in DevOps processes. 

Comarch Wealth Management is a multi-channel platform assisting in a relationship between wealthy clients and their personal advisors. The advisors may either come in the form of a chatbot or a human relationship manager. The customer can also choose between automated or hybrid investment advice.

Thanks to Comarch SME Banking, small and medium enterprises may finally become fully suitable to the requirements of the modern world in terms of security and dataflow. This applies to corporations as well. Modular structure is an indispensable asset when it comes to the customization according to client's requests. Solutions created in that way are easily accessible at any moment. In case of a minor change, the commercial banking software may be smoothly updated, without causing any decrease of bank performance.

Comarch Loan Origination is a comprehensive platform designed for institutions offering financial credits of any type, allowing their administrators to easily get full information regarding the credit details at any moment when needed. The system is based solely on a Comarch Business Process Management, the crucial framework of our business solutions. That foundation brings tangible benefits in terms of fast implementation pace.

Have a look at our case studies section to find out in more detail about how – and for whom – we work.

Banking software products

We have wide experience in building and maintaining banking IT software which allow to integrate numerous dispersed applications, such as e.g., transactional systems, CRM, Contact Center, data warehouses and document archives. But our expertise goes beyond individual business systems. Apart from them, we offer consulting services in terms of security issues, authentication tools, centralized user management, system integration, or IT infrastructure administration. In other words, we take end-to-end responsibility – from solution design and implementation up to maintenance, thanks to which our clients may rest assured that whatever happens, we’re there for them.

We place special emphasis on user interfaces. The usability of Comarch’s product is the key to the company’s success on international markets. Applications such as Comarch Corporate Banking, CRM Front Office or Comarch Loan Origination, have passed internal usability audits and are very highly regarded by our clients. Annual awards and the high position of Comarch’s products in numerous rakings pay testament to this.

We are also particular to the ergonomics of our solutions, which guarantees a high level of work comfort for bank personnel. Modern technologies used in our products allow for unlimited integration of Comarch systems with banks' databases.

Guaranteeing the adaptability of our applications to changing market conditions is also important to us. Often, we have to deal with changes made by regulatory bodies in Europe. Increasing competitiveness and fulfilling client expectations, while keeping risk at a minimum, is what we swear by.

Business Banking

Comarch banking software is known for its functionality and convenience. Meeting all the necessary standards and fulfilling the client's requests is the key to properly understand the continually changing world of digital banking.

Each of our success stories starts with an essential element: design. Creating the outline of what will become a flourishing cooperation has to be performed before anything else is done. Defining the problem is a fundamental factor, as all of the future actions would be focused especially on that.

During the implementation, our banking software systems must provide full access to customers' bank accounts. This very complex matter is what makes fast and fluent implementation the key point in order to meet with customer satisfaction. Due to configurability and flexibility of the software environment, the implementation of Comarch's banking products takes only about 6 months in some cases. This outstanding result has its roots in clearly stated operating policies and rules.

Comarch Corporate Banking at ING

For us, the most important factors of IT projects are innovation, consistency and predictability. Comarch is a proven, reliable partner with vast potential and highly competitive products. What is also significant, Comarch as a banking and finance market consolidator has extensive experience and know-how which brings real added value to projects carried out for the bank. The signed agreement gives us great flexibility in adapting to changing business needs and helps shape our future partnership.

Mariusz Bondarczuk - CIO, ING Bank Śląski, bout Comarch banking solutions

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