Comarch and Barlinek, the world's leading manufacturer of layer wood floors, have signed an international agreement to implement Comarch SFA Mobile Sales Force Apps.

The project, carried out in the outsourcing model, includes a comprehensive implementation of the Comarch SFA mobile application, designed for Google's Android operating system and will be used by Barlineks’ field workers. The implementation will be conducted not only in Poland, but also in other countries where Barlinek has a sales force. These include, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Austria and France.

- The project is definitely not a typical Comarch SFA installation because it involves implementing 4 different languages and 9 local settings in one system - says Karolina Rabiej, Project Manager at Comarch SFA.

- Implementing Comarch SFA will allow us to report and monitor the work of our regional sales representatives better, it also provides our organization with a high-quality tool to support their work. Thanks to the Comarch SFA solution, we will be able to gather vital information regarding the sales visits made by our employees, and be able to compile reports based on this information - says Grzegorz Stawski, Project Manager at Barlinek.

Comarch SFA is a comprehensive IT solution which provides sales support for sales organizations. The platform has been operating since 2000 and has brought together a community of more than 50 companies and 4,000 members of the FMCG, construction and pharmaceutical sectors. Some the many clients who have chosen Comarch SFA include: Sobieski, IDS Group, Diageo,  Agros Nova, Navo PGD, Sara Lee, Mieszko, Wawel and many others.

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