VBA in MS Excel - Intermediate Level

Worksheets, workbooks, files
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      Training in VBA in Intermediate Level

      Learn about important elements of the Visual Basic programming language!

      For Whom?

      The training is designed for people who primarily want to expand their knowledge and skills gained in basic training and they need to automate the work associated with data processing in multiple sheets and / or workbooks.

      For Whom?
      Training objectives

      In this course, you will learn about important elements of the Visual Basic programming language making your macro code efficient and professional. At the same time you will find out new parts of the Excel object model to do operations on workbooks and worksheets.

      During the course you will gain the following skills:
      • Building your own functions’ library
      • Creating macros that automatically run at given Excel event
      • Handling macro errors
      • Using Arrays to accelerate macros
      • Operating on the Excel and text files
      Audience profile
      If you already have some experience writing macros using the main tools of the Visual Basic programming language.
      The training is intended for people who work in Microsoft Excel on a daily basis and already have some experience writing macros using main tools of the Visual Basic programming language.

      3 days, 24 training hours

      Training delivery method
      During the training, 80% of the time is carried out in the form of a practical lecture, in which the instructor presents ready-to-use examples and solutions that the participant can then use in their own macros. The remaining 20% of the training time is allocated to the independent work of the participants. The exercises are prepared in such a way as to consolidate the presented material and encourage creative activity.
      Theoretical and practical knowledge training course VBA
      First steps to define your own function
      • The syntax of the function's definition
      • Difference in between functions and procedures
      • Building Excel formulas with the user defined function
      • Calling functions in the macro code
      • Functions with optional arguments
      • Share your functions by Excel add-in
      Playing with worksheets
      • The Worksheet and the Worksheets objects
      • Creating new sheets and renaming
      • Protecting and unprotecting sheets with a password
      • Making sheets hidden
      • Checking if the given sheet exists
      Some operations on workbooks
      • The Workbook and Workbooks object
      • Create, Save and Close a new workbook
      • Opening existing workbook
      • Use dialog window to ask the macro user pointing the file to open
      • Get the list of files in the given folder
      Basics of events and event's handling
      • What is the event
      • Handling Worksheet's events
      • Handling Workbook's events
      The macro errors. How to cope with them?
      • Types of errors and their causes
      • How to handle errors to tell the macro user what happened
      I/O formatted file operations
      • Reading a text file content and loading it to Excel sheet
      • Write sheet's data to a text file
      • Store information about macro errors in the log file
      What are arrays and why to use them?
      • Array basics
      • One and Two-dimensional arrays
      • Static and dynamic arrays
      • Using dynamic array to define multiple choice filter (with Autofilter)
        And other useful stuff
      • Tips to make the macro running faster
      • Macro run time calculations
      • Setting Excel to run the macro "silent" mode
      Development path

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      Barbara Nitwinko
      Barbara Nitwinko


      +48 12 646 14 41

      +48 734 131 012