VBA in Microsoft Excel

online course - basic level
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      Visual Basic for Applications in Microsoft Excel – Basic level

      Comprehensive 3-day Training in VBA

      For Whom?

      If you are very determined to automate work in Microsoft Excel, this course is for you!

      In this course, you will learn the basics of programming using VBA programming language, and learn how to use it to automate tasks in Microsoft Excel.

      For Whom?
      Training objectives

      In this course, you will learn the basics of programming using Visual Basic for Applications programming language, and learn how to use it to automate tasks in Microsoft Excel.

      During the course you will gain the following skills:
      • Writing manually the code of the macro
      • Using Microsoft documentation as a programming aid
      • Using main programming techniques to build macros
      • Finding the causes of macro errors
      • Using the tools of the Visual Basic Editor to facilitate programming
      Audience profile
      If you are very determined to automate work in Microsoft Excel, this course is for you.

      The training is intended for people who work in Microsoft Excel on a daily basis and have knowledge and skills in using the tools of this application at an intermediate level or higher.


      3 days, 24 training hours

      Training delivery method
      During the training, 80% of the time is carried out in the form of a practical lecture, in which the instructor presents ready-to-use examples and solutions that the participant can then use in their own macros. The remaining 20% of the training time is allocated to the independent work of the participants. The exercises are prepared in such a way as to consolidate the presented material and encourage creative activity.
      Theoretical and practical knowledge training course VBA
      Basics of macros
      • What are macros?
      • Recording and running macros
      Editing the macro code
      • Visual Basic editor
      • Where the macros are stored?
      • What do the different colors in the macro code means?
      Using objects in programming
      • What is the object model of the application
      • Clasess, objects, its methods and properties
      • Collections
      • Objects hierarchy
      Referencing cells and applying operations on them
      • Defining reference to the whole table range
      • Defining reference to the given column/row range
      • Extracting data part of the table (with no header rows/columns)
      • Reference to the selected range
      • Reference to the named range
      • Refering to the Table object
      • Doing the calculations on data
      Core elements of the Visual Basic for Applications programming language
      • Variables and Constants
      • Operators
      • Loops
      • Decision statements
      • Functions and Procedures
      Testing macros
      • Runing macros in the step mode
      • Using break points
      • Observing expresion results in the Watch window
      • Using Immediate window
      Adding interface to easily run macros
      • Using buttons to run the macro
      • Defining shortcuts to run the macro
      • Adding buttons to the Excel ribbon
      • Publishing macros as Excel Addin
      Plus many other useful information like
      • Using simple dialog windows to interact with the macro users
      • Using VBA and Excel’s function library to do calculations
      • Applying filters to data using the Autofilter tool
      • Protecting the macro code with a password
      Development path
      If you already know the basics of Visual Basic for Applications and have little experience in creating macros that automate work in Excel, we recommend our trainings at a higher level (Intermediate, Advanced and Expert).

      Similar training


      Barbara Nitwinko
      Barbara Nitwinko


      +48 12 646 14 41

      +48 734 131 012