Delivering on the 5G Promise at BIG 5G 2022
Austin, USA, 16 May 2022 - 18 May 2022

BIG 5G is fully back in-person for 2022, this time coming to you on May 16-18 from Austin, Texas. Over three days, the BIG 5G Event will deep dive into the hottest industry topics, giving attendees more opportunities to connect with the industry, hear from leading experts, and discover the latest innovations and solutions that are driving 5G.
There will be many network opportunities to help attendees reconnect with the industry, with 1-to-1 meetings, intimate roundtable sessions, and speed networking.
This year’s event features:
- Live keynotes with C-suite speakers from T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, DISH Wireless, Boingo, Texas Department of Transportation & many more
- Network with a senior group of delegates from leading service providers, enterprises, vendors, analysts and associations
- Six daily content tracks, including Enterprise 5G Applications for Consumer & Enterprise, Fiber Access, The Programmable Telco and Network Technologies: Mobile Edge
What’s next for the OpenRAN ecosystem? Join Marcin Nowak, Senior Solution Manager OSS, on May 18 at 4:20 PM as he sits on a panel discussion to discuss: Open RAN Service Management and Orchestration - The power of ecosystem and what’s next.
This event is free of charge for telecom operators. If you have any questions, please contact the event coordinator Hannah Glock at