Comarch Campaign Management Version 3.3 Has Been Released

Version 3.3 of Comarch Campaign Management brings the brand new Campaign Manager panel designed in the new GUI based on Comarch Design System. Marketing users can benefit from a set of improved and redesigned key business features including Campaigns, Customers, Customers Upload, Message Templates, Media, Segments and Contact Strategies. The usability and intuitiveness has been improved significantly, while new system navigation, step by step processes and summary pages have been introduced.

It’s all the result of a great effort of UX & R&D team.

Highlights include:

New Customer Profile with enhanced and redesigned Communication History

Quick insight into integrated customer profile, which includes:
  • SUMMARY: customer first name and last name, status, open rate, click-through rate, click-to-open rate, first and most recent contact
  • GENERAL: personal data, contact information, registration data, address data
  • CAMPAIGNS: list of all campaigns with which the customer is currently engaged, or with which they previously engaged and completed.
  • COMMUNICATION HISTORY: key engagement statistics, timeline presenting history of all past events associated with a specific customer, and list of messages targeted to this customer
  • PERMISSIONS: statuses of general and channel consents
  • GROUPS: segments, target groups and control groups assigned to this customer

New feature: Customers Upload and Data Matching is a simple and intuitive step by step process to quickly upload new contacts. It allows users to upload .csv files of predefined structure, match data automatically (file column -> customer attribute) and confirm permissions.

A new simplified mode, One-send Campaigns, has been introduced. It’s a quick, step by step process enabling the user to plan and launch a campaign with a single message sent via email, SMS or mobile push.

New, redesigned Test Dispatch for email and SMS interactions has been implemented. Test Dispatch enables the marketer to check how an email message works before sending it to customers.

Within this version we have redesigned and improved Message Templates. Marketers can benefit from a new, more intuitive process of adding new email, SMS or mobile push templates. Message templates are presented in two redesigned views: list or grid with several filters and search bar.

New feature: Media Library is a central repository where all files (including images, videos and .pdf files) used in messages are stored.

In terms of Segments, a new condition builder and scheduler for segment update have been added, along with the option to copy existing conditions. The step by step process and option to limit segment size have also been redesigned.

These are the most important additions and changes, but the list is not exhaustive.

Stay tuned for more new features and enhancements...

Comarch Campaign Management Version 3 is a solution with micro-services and cloud-native architecture, equipped with components such as message broker Apache Kafka and PostgresSQL database, and deployed on the Kubernetes platform. The new architecture ensures horizontal scalability, so resources may be applied independently to selected areas of the system.

Learn more about Comarch Campaign Management

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