RB-19-2005 The Agreement for Multi-Purpose Multi-Currency Credit Line with Bank BPH SA

The Management of ComArch SA informs that on 07 June 2005 it received a signed agreement for a multi-purpose multi-currency credit line with Bank BPH SA with its registered seat in Krakow.

On the basis of the above agreement, Bank BPH allocates to the company a credit limit in the amount of PLN 26,401,216 for financing current activities of the company. The period of making the credit available ends on 28 April 2006 and a blank promissory note is the collateral. ComArch SA may use the limit in the form of bank guarantees for performance, deposits in tender proceedings, payment, refunding prepayments and letters of credit related to the executed contracts and in the form of credit in the current account. The value of the company's equity is adopted as the criterion for a significant agreement. The value of the agreement in PLN: 26,401,216.