RB-23-2014 Correction of the Selected Financial Data Presented in the Consolidated Report for the Three Quarters of 2014

The Management Board of Comarch S.A. announced that the corrected consolidated quarterly report of the Comarch Group for the three quarters of 2014 will be published today.

The corrections are related to the selected financial data presented in the consolidated quarterly report QSr 3 2014 where an incorrect value of the NBP average euro exchange rate was presented as of the 30th of September, 2014, and as a consequence, incorrect values of the equities were presents as of the 30th of September, 2014.
The correct euro exchange rate is: 4.1755 and as a result,
- value of the equity attributable to shareholders (consolidated) as of the 30th of September, 2014, presented at pos. XXIII of the selected financial data is: EUR 155,830 thousand,
- value of the equity (parent company) as of the 30th of September, 2014, presented at  pos. XXIV of the selected financial data is: EUR 160,102 thousand.
Additionally, sentence related to the presentation of equities in the selected financial data should be as follows: “Values of equities (positions XXIII, XXIV) were presented as at the end of first nine months of the current year and as at the end of the previous year.”